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[Super Promo] Whitening Body Wash 500ml | Clearance Stock

RM 14.90
[Super Promo] Whitening Body Wash 500ml | Clearance Stock Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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EXP : DEC 2025

ESSENTIAL Whitening Body Wash

Essential Whitening Body Wash is well researched and formulated with the powerful complex derived from three white flowers, Saxifrage Sarmentosa (Strawberry Begonia), Psidium Guajava (Guava), and Carica Papaya (papaya), DERMAWHITE® .

DERMAWHITE® uses the power of nature to noticeably brighten the complexion while respecting the skin’s natural characteristics in health. This complex delivers a skin brightening action that is clinically proven by dermatologist that it is 3x higher than that of kojic acid.

The clinically proven benefits of DERMAWHITE®

  • Inhibition of melanin production 
  • Significant reduction of pigmentation within two weeks

Essential Whitening Body Wash is specially designed with mild flora and fruity aroma, it can effectively brighten up, rejuvenates and make skin colour balanced and translucent. 

Essential Body Wash is gentle to the skin 

  100% plant derived ingredients and plant extracts

  99.9% antibacterial efficacy

   European organic certified fragrance (ECOCERT®)

   pH 5.5 balance pH to stabilise skin natural protective barrier

Free from 7 major harsh chemicals



   Mineral Oil




   Heavy metals

Essential Whitening Body Wash 经过精心研究并采用源自三种白色花朵 Saxifrage Sarmentosa(草莓秋海棠)、Psidium Guajava(番石榴花)和 Carica Papaya(番木瓜花)的强大复合物,DERMAWHITE®配制而成。

DERMAWHITE® 利用大自然的力量明显的提亮肤色,同时配合皮肤天然的健康平衡。这种复合物经皮肤科医生临床证明,比曲酸拥有高达 3 倍的皮肤增白作用。

DERMAWHITE® 经临床证明的益处

  • 抑制黑色素生成
  • 两周内减少色素沉着

Essential Whitening Body Wash 具有温和的植物和水果香气,可有效提亮、焕发活力,使肤色均衡透亮。

ESSENTIAL 沐浴露对皮肤温和不刺激

   100% 全植物萃取

  99.9% 抗菌功效


  pH5.5 亲肌嫩肤效果

7大无添加 ❎🈚️


🈚️ Paraben

🈚️ Mineral Oil

🈚️ 刺激素

🈚️ 荷爾蒙

🈚️ 酒精

🈚️ 重金属

Essential Body Wash系列是你一家大小都适合的沐浴露!


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